Thursday, March 22, 2012

Minnesota is the new Missouri

We have had unprecedented high temps in Minnesota this season.  I can remember just a couple of nights in February that the temps dipped below zero.  Green tube tops were being worn outside O'Gara's on St. Patty's day.  The ice is out on Minnetonka.

My forsythia bushes are in wild bloom a good six weeks before schedule and a large bouquet on the kitchen table is already starting to leaf out.  But I recalled a photo taken, November of 2009, when 80 degree days confused the forsythia into a false bloom.

Even though my back has been grateful for the lack of snow shoveling, and my housebound potted plants are enjoying a refreshing shower on the deck, this balmy weather trend will come with a price.  There is a substantial lack of ground moisture and planned burns are being started around the county.  There is a burning restriction in Minnesota State Parks which is unheard of in the spring.  Climate change is here. 

And on that note, here's a pretty etsy treasury:

1 comment:

Kathi said...

Much the same here in WI. My pussywillow is done, the daffodils are open and I found a tiny new bleeding heart with blooms opening today. We have charged up our mower so we can cut the grass tomorrow! Unheard of in WI too. Worrisome...